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Operating Lease
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Finanšu auto līzings | Auto līzinga veidi- kuru izvēlēties?

What is operational car lease?

Operating lease, or car lease is a type of financing providing that during operation of the agreement (usually 2-5 years) customer pays the lease fee. Monthly payments are affected by such factors as initial value of the car, amount of the first deposit, interest rate and the remaining value in the end of the lease period. After expiry of the agreement, customer – lessee – hands the car over to the lessor. This type of financing is usually chosen by companies, who want to renew the car fleet regularly.
By concluding the operating car lease agreement, lease period and total mileage of the car during the lease period are stipulated.

 What are operating lease advantages?

+ monthly operating lease payment is lower than in case of financial lease;

+ car fleet is regularly renewed, which allows using new cars having manufacturer’s warranty during the whole period of use for provision for the company’s activities;

+ both new and used cars can be chosen;

+ remaining value of the car is known in the end of the lease agreement term.

Izvēlieties auto operatīvajā līzingā, iekļaujot mēneša maksājumā apdrošināšanu (OCTA, KASKO), ekspluatācijas nodokli un tehniskās apskates izmaksas visam periodam!

Questions regarding car leasing or fleet management?
Call us and find out more!
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