Currently SIXT leasing services 6500 vehicles in all Baltics. Our customers are the largest communication service providers, breweries, medical goods merchandisers, food manufactures, energy companies and fuel retailers, as well as many others local and international companies. We have been trusted to provide not only the sales representative cars, but also management cars and even specialised vehicles.
American Express, E.ON, Lufthansa, Xerox- these are just the few of SIXT Leasing international clients who gain the advantages of our full service lea. Our extensive range of services and expertise allows us to become a trustworthy mobility partner to any company.
„In order to focus more on the development of your core business and popularization of the brand “Laima”, the company has decided to outsource fleet management and related service. One of the options was full service leasing. Due to the creativity of offered solutions SIXT Leasing was chosen as our full service leasing provider. We work with SIXT Leasing for more than 3 years now. Taking into consideration our work specific, we use the service in all of the territory of Latvia. Currently we do not have to worry about searching nearest workshop, tyre change, repairs or insurances. Our administrative workload has also reduced as all expenses for the received services, including fuel expenses, are included in one invoice. We are satisfied with the provided service level and our employees who receive the service on a daily basis always give a positive feedback. Thanks to SIXT Leasing we have saved on resources and time which would have been spent on the internal service provision. Based on the mentioned above, we would advise the companies to evaluate our positive experience and looking into the future choose SIXT leasing services in order to reduce costs!”
Anda Puriņa, SIA "Orkla Confectionery & Snacks Latvija" Procurement manager
„We cooperate with SIXT Leasing for more than 6 years. Cēsu Alus Company’s strategy anticipates concentration on the core business and the mentioned above was the reason for choosing the outsourced service provider that would allow rational use of human resources. In our company there isn’t a special position that would be responsible for the company fleet. This is the reason why cooperation with SIXT is a good solution. Besides that SIXT has a tested cooperation partner network that secures a great service. Minimum employee involvement in fleet management, fast service and detailed information on all actions regarding the fleet are the main advantages in the cooperation. Full service leasing companies are the experts of its industry and thus unambiguous are able to provide the companies with the best solutions".
Olga Leicāne, SIA "Cēsu alus" Manager of logistics department
Client satisfaction is one of the SIXT Leasing priorities. To receive an instant reference on the received service you receive an email with questionnaire where you can give us your reference. Received questionnaires are evaluated on a regular basis using SIXT CSI (Client Satisfaction Index) tool.
We are happy to receive the reference not only from car users but also from fleet managers and other persons in charge in order to improve SIXT Leasing service.
Clients value us highly!
93,4% from respondents pointed out that they would advise SIXT Leasing services to others (data of first half-year of 2020).